Instruments and Equipment
Crystallization robots (Phoenix and NT8) Phoenix and NT8 liquid handlers are used to deliver large and small volumes. Three-seat 96-well Intelli-plates and 384-well clear polystyrene plates (hanging drops) are used. Common sparse-matrix source screens and other crystallization screens are used.
Custom formulators (Formulator and NT8) Expansion or optimization plates are prepared using either the Formulator or the NT8 using primary precipitant solutions and stock buffers.
Automated plate microscopy/storage (Rock Imager 1000) Crystallization plates are stored in the Rock Imager. When Imager plate capacity is reached, the oldest 20% of plates is automatically moved into the adjoining room.
In-house X-Ray system (Microstar and Mar345) An in-house generate and detector system is available for rapid data-set collection or for rapid crystal evaluation. Training and certification is provided and required before use.
Bacterial and Insect/Baculoviral incubators Standard bacterial shaker/incubators with associated large-scale centrifuges. A dedicated baculovirus and insect-cell room includes fumehoods, incubators, microscope, centrifuges, and cell counters.
Protein purification systems (FPLCs) A pair of AKTA FPLCs are running specialized software to process high-throughput serial & tandem purification schemes.